Interested in Getting your GED and Earning a Certificate?
Integrated education and training (IET) is a service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purposes of educational and career advancement.
Under an IET model, participants simultaneously receive instruction in basic skills (math, reading, literacy) and workforce training. At the end of the IET program, students can graduate with their GED and test for an industry certification.
A win-win!
Who is eligible?
- Students enrolled in Adult Basic Education / GED course
- Student must be at an ABE Level 2 in both Math and Reading
Why enroll in an IET course?
As an IET student, you can earn your GED while simultaneously working towards an industry credential or license. Instead of learning Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science through traditional GED textbooks/assignments, students will learn these subjects through contextualized Health Science instruction.
Not only will you learn concurrent and contextualized instruction, you will save money.
Integrated Education and Training (IET)
Courses: Welding
Location: Ozarka College, Melbourne, Mountain View and Ash Flat
Program: Adult Basic Education / GED
Contact Information:
Main Office