Breaking the Silence on Domestic Violence


The following article is posted from the U.S. Department of AgricultureSafety, Health and Employee Welfare Division from their Domestic violence Awareness Handbook and can be found at


Tough new laws are one way to reduce domestic violence and sexual assaults. Nothing sends a clearer message to a wife-beater -- Department of Justice statistics confirm that women are battered far more than men -- than prosecuting and jailing other wife-beaters. New laws, however, are not the only answer.

Too many people continue to believe that domestic violence is a private matter between a couple, rather than a criminal offense that merits a strong and swift response. Even today, the victim of a domestic assault runs the risk of being asked, "What did you do to make your husband angry?" This questions implies the victim is to blame for this abuse. People in our criminal justice system -- police, prosecutors, judges, and jurors -- need to be educated about the role they can play in curbing acts of domestic violence.

Even when cases are brought, domestic crimes are difficult to prosecute. All too often victims are so terrorized that they fear for their lives if they call the police. Silence is the batterer's best friend. We have to end the silence and change our attitudes toward domestic crime.

Neighbors must contact the police when they hear violent fights in their neighborhoods. Don't turn up the television to block out the sounds of the drunken argument next door. Call the police.

Teachers should be alert to signs that students have witnessed violence at home. Children who grow up in violent homes are more likely to become violent themselves.

Medical professionals who see the victims of violence need to ask them about these crimes. Too often, doctors or emergency room personnel accept the statement of fearful victims that their bruises or cuts are the result of household accidents or falls. When a woman with a black eye says that she fell and hit the doorknob, doctors and nurses must ask: "Did someone hit you?"

Members of the clergy need to become more involved as well. We just can't tell a battered spouse to "go home and make it work," as was done in the past. Sending a woman back to a battering husband often places her life at risk. Of course, we can't tell a woman who lives in a violent relationship what to do, but we can make a greater effort to let her know that other options are available for her and her children. Early intervention is crucial.

These crimes are serious. Experience shows that levels of violence in these relationships tend to escalate, and many police departments cite domestic violence as their number one problem. Tough laws and effective prosecutions, combined with education and a cooperative approach among law enforcement and social service agencies, will take time to be effective. Until then, we all must take a greater role in reporting domestic abuse. Our efforts to break the silence can make a difference.


A Guide for Rape Victims and All Who Want to Help Them

The Women's Justice Center of Santa Rosa, California, has a three-part guide for rape victims and for those who want to help the victims.  Click on the following url to bring up the guide:

Important Information about Hiding Your Internet Tracks from Your Abuser

Safe Horizons from New York has some suggestions on hiding your tracks from your abuser if you live in an abusive relationship.  To read their suggestions, click on the following url:

Changing Norms to Prevent Violence against Women

There are five norms in our society that greatly contribute to the state of violence against women.  Click on the following url to see an eight-minute video explaining these five norms to be changed in order to develop primary prevention for violence against women and girls.

Click the "PLAY" icon.

Power and Control Wheel and Equality Wheel

To see the Power and Control Wheel of domestic violence the the Equality Wheel of non-violent living, connect to the Domestic Violence Intervention Center:


8 Ways You Can Coach Boys into Men

The Family Violence Prevention fund promotes educating boys at a young age to promote a world without violence.  By clicking on the following url you can read about the eight ways for coaching boys into men:

Stalking Victimization in the United States

The following url takes you to the latest information released by The Bureau of Justice Statistics in January 2009.  One of the facts revealed includes that during a 12-month period an estimated 14 in every 1,000 persons age 18 or older were victims of stalking.  For the complete report go to:


Warning Signs and Symptoms of Abusive Relationships  This url brings you to a very thorough article on the warning signs and symptoms of abusive relationships at


Parents are talking about Dating Violence, but Teens aren't getting the message...

To learn how you can help teens to learn about the importance of respect in relationships go to:

Topics include:


Tips for Parents

Talk to your Child about Healthy Relationships at Any Age

Dinner Table Talk

Respect Wheel

Are you modeling Respect at home?

What type of relationship is your teen in?

Know the Warning Signs

How much do you know about stalking? Take the quiz!

To test your knowledge about stalking, click on the following url from the Stalking Resource Center's website:

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