Reading List about Domestic Violence from NCADV

The above url takes you the the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence website page with a reading list to "guide survivors, advocates, students and researchers in their endeavors to learn more about domestic violence."  

Information to Help Protect Yourself from Being Stalked by Perpetrators Using Technology

The Stalking Resource Center has some updated information on using technology for stalking.  Please click on the following url to find much information on how to help protect yourself from this type of stalking:

Financial Resources for Women and Children

The following url will take you to Financial Resources for Women and Children.  This site has many tips that would be useful to a woman with children who has left a home troubled by domestic violence and is trying to become independent:

Poetry from Victims of Sexual Assault

The poem below was taken from the Sexual Assault Care Center and can be found at:  To read more poems by those who have experienced sexual assault and are trying overcome this travesty, please click on the url above.

Because of the Pain

I can't stand to look at your face,
But it's stuck in my mind and making me blind.
When I think of you my heart starts to race,
Because of the fear you have left behind.
I can't eat, sleep, of even stand on my feet,
Because the pain is making me weak.

You took it all away from me,
Just so you could have the moment of height.
You made me feel like I was wee,
When you took away all my might.
I have no more control, will or want,
Because the pain is making me gaunt.

Why couldn't you just stop,
When I was screaming and crying,
Why couldn't you just leave, instead of climbing on top,
Cause in that moment of fear I just felt like dying.
I lost my laugher, my smile and my inner-child,
Because the pain is making me go wild.

Was it worth it in the end?
Your few minutes you won?
For a life of offend,
You have brought on.
I will not let you have glory, take my power, or feel triumphant
Because the pain is making me proficient.

You thought you were victorious,
And got away with a good night.
But don't you worry I will make you notorious,
Because you picked the wrong girl to fight,
I will win, learn and advance from this situation,
Because the pain is giving me determination.

–  Anon  –



20 Things You Can Do to End Sexual Assault

The following url takes you to the Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault website to a page that lists 20 things that you can do to end sexual assault.  The month of April is designated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and this blog will feature more information about sexual assault during April.

Largest-ever National Study on Stalking a Wake-up Call

To read about the latest study on stalking, click on the following url:

Domestic Violence in College Relationships

The below url brings you to "The Spectator," the student newspaper from the University of Wisconsin.  The article is about dating violence and defines bad relationships, giving examples of physically and mentally abusive relationships.

Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Whether you are a young person or the parent of a young person, please click on the following url to learn more about dating violence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Domestic violence should not happen to anybody...ever...period! Who are the victims?

Who are the victims of domestic violence? 

Please click on the following url to find out more about the victims of domestic violence:


Stalking: Myths and Realities

The following url will take you to the National Stalking Resource Center for a fact sheet on the myths and realities of stalking.

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