Flashcard Generator

Flashcards have long been an effective tool for learning and Chegg Prep is a brand new FREE service, students can use to easily find, create, share and study flashcards for any subject -- without a monthly subscription. Search a massive repository of 20M+ already-created-flashcards or create your own flashcard decks.


How to use your calculator

For help in using your TI-83 or TI 84 calculator, visit MathBits.com:


Help understanding algebra concepts

Good written resource explaining many specific algebra concepts.


Online video tutorials for any math concept you need to understand better

Khan Academy has produced short videos that explain most any math concept with which you might need help.  On the Khan Academy home page, click the "WATCH" link, select "MATH" and then select they type of math you are learning (Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, etc).  Then scan the list of math concepts in that category to find one that will help you.



Algebra and Calculus Tutoring Videos

The website www.khanacademy.org has many free videos offering tutoring and instruction for a variety of subjects.  Please check it out.

OR  Just Math Tutoring.com at  https://mathematicstutorials.wixsite.com/math/patrickjmts also has hundreds of video segments on algebra concepts, calculus concepts, financial calculations, and lots lots more.

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